How can I create Custom Fields?

Fields for my form

Written By Paula Torres (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

AFRUS allows you to create Custom Fields for your forms, this means that you can obtain the information you need from your donors and / or leads.

Date field, wide text fields, option selection fields, numeric fields, check boxes among others, are the types of custom fields that you can configure for your forms.

When you create your field they will be listed as custom fields and can be used both in donation forms and lead forms.

Here's how to create a custom field:

1. Enter the main menu section, ORGANIZATION SETTINGS:

2. Once you enter the section, go to CUSTOM FIELDS:

3. When you log in, click on the Blue button on the right side called NEW:

5. Once you log in, you will see the following screen:

6. To create your new field, you only have to fill in the fields that we will explain below:

  • Label: In this field goes the name of the field.

  • Alias, this will be filled in automatically, based on the tag you typed in.

  • Group, here you must select the group to which the field belongs, you can select the only option that is shown.

  • Category, you must define the type of field: between personal data, contact, address, company, general data or none. Depending on the one you choose, it will command the order of the fields.
  • If None is selected, the field will be listed last in the form.

  • Data type, it is the type of field you need for your custom field, here we explain one by one:

Text This will be a text field, with limited characters. you will receive alphanumeric field
Date or Date This will be a calendar field, clicking on it will display a calendar, for selecting year-month-day.
Number or Numeric This field will only receive a number, it will not be used for alphabetical data.
Tel This field will be used so that in mobile adaptation the field shows the numeric keyboard.
Select This option will allow you to have a field of several options, so that one of them is selected.
The display of the options can be selected by means of a drop-down box.
Decision Tree
You just have to add the values like in this video below
  • Ver video
  • Add Button
Text area This field is useful for large text fields, when requested, comments, paragraphs.
Check box You can use this option for questions with predefined answers between Yes or No.
Radio This option will allow you to have a field of several options, so that one of them is selected. The display of the options can be selected by means of a circle.

7. For your field to be active, you must activate the button:

8. If you want it to be a mandatory field, you activate the button, required field:

9. Finally, activate the field so that it can be used in your forms. You must click Posted and save.

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