How to create a Lead Form?

Written By Paula Torres (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

With AFRUS can create forms for your strategy Leads Lead Generation (Lead Generation).

These forms can be used in your record capture campaigns, the lead forms will only request the data that the organization needs.

How do I create my lead forms?

To create a new donation form, you will need to follow the instructions below .

1. You must go to the FORMS / LEADS FORMS section, from the left side menu:

2. Upon entering LEADS FORMS, you will see the following screen:

3. To create a new form, you must click on the blue button called NEW LEAD FORM: 

4. Then, you will enter the form editor:

5. Take into account that the creation of a form is contemplated in 3 phases:


In this first big step, we will configure all the content of the form.

Texts, titles, descriptions, terms and conditions, buttons.

6.1 The content phase has a step called: Settings.

Next, we explain the function of each one and an example of what it looks like:

PopUp Template

The Pop Up template will look like a button that when clicked will display the form.

An example:

Embed template

The embedded template will be displayed fully printed in the desired area.

An example:

TwoStep Template

The TwoStep Template will be displayed fully printed in the desired area. But with the difference that it will show the fields in two steps / two sheets.

An example:

6.1.2 After selecting the template, you must list the campaign (s) that belong to the form. You just have to click on the corresponding check:

6.3 The next step is to configure the texts of the form , for this you will enter the ADD MORE COUNTRIES button:

6.3.1 By clicking, you will choose the country you want to activate in your form:

Texts as t ítulos, descriptions, names of buttons, suggestion amounts of amounts of Donació n, must be configured from the ADD MORE COUNTRIES button.

6.3.2 Once the ADD A COUNTRY button is clicked, the data is filled in in 2 steps:

to. The Country and Language data are completed

b. Finally configure the Texts of the form

(Title, subtitles, terms and conditions, footer, and button names)


In this second big step, you will configure the styles of the form.

Text colors, text sizes, decorations, line spacing, button colors, and form colors.

7.1 We will start with the STYLE of the form, in this segment you can select the style of the form boxes, there are 4 different options:

Square Rounded

7.2 Then you will start to edit the styles of the title, description, Footers, these 3 items are edited in the same way, because its publisher is made in the same way:

  • This video will show you how to select the options and how they are displayed in the form:

7.3 Finally, you will edit the colors of the form, we will show you with the following video how you configure each item:

Once you finish with this Step, you will continue with the last step, ADVANCED.


In this last step, you must perform the advanced configuration of the following items:

  • Default form fields (Created by AFRUS)
  • Custom form fields (Created by the organization)
  • Terms and conditions setup
  • Thank you page
  • Analytics

8.1 Configuration of default fields of the forms, AFRUS will have automatically selected 3 fields (Name, Surname, Email) , if you want to add more fields to your form with the following video you will learn how to do it:

In the configuration of the fields you will see that there are two columns of tables, in the video we show you their function:

  • Clicking on the first column will activate the field on the form.
  • Clicking on the second column will activate the field as a required field.
Click to Zoom

8.2 Configuration of custom fields * of the forms. These fields will be created by the organization and will be listed in this space. You can select the ones you want.

* To create a custom field you must follow the following -> manual.

In the configuration of the custom fields you will see that there are two columns of tables, in the video we show you their function:

  • Clicking on the first column will activate the field on the form.
  • Clicking on the second column will activate the field as a required field.

8.3 Terms and conditions. In this space we will activate the check boxes of the terms and conditions that you want to activate in your form.

AFRUS allows you to activate 2 (two) Check box, so that you can use these links with the information that is necessary, such as Data privacy policy, Terms and conditions, Data processing, and those that the organization considers.

  • To activate them you just have to click on the check box called TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
  • If you want to leave them active by default, click on the checkbox called ACTIVE.
  • To configure the URL of or page where they are hosted, you just have to paste the URL in the field that indicates it.

The following video explains in detail how to activate this field:

8.4 Thank You Page. In this part you will configure the thank you page of your form, which corresponds to the campaign of this form.

  • Remember that the thank you page is configured in the campaign. To configure the thank you page of the campaign you can see the manual.
  • Or you can also create one and paste the URL of the thank you page.
  • You can only leave one option active.

In the following manual you can see the step by step:

8.5 Analytics. This configuration is very important for you to obtain the traffic tracking of your form.

  • You can choose the platform where you want to receive your data, You can select between Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager.
  • You just have to add the tracking code of your account.
  • You can add the Facebook Pixel
  • you can add the code for HotJar.

In the following video we show you how to do it:

9. You are very close to having your form ready. Now we will show you the last steps so that you have your form completed and ready to use:

You must Activate your form, then save it and finally extract the insertion code of the form, which will be you must paste in the code of your page so that it is visible and you can start receiving donations!

Here are the last 3 steps:

10. You can now use your form on your organization's website.

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