What type of reports can I get in afrus.app?

Written By Paula Torres (Administrator)

Updated at October 21st, 2022

With afrus.app you will be able to obtain the report of all the unique and recurring donations received, as well as the record of your database in which your donors, partners and prospects will be displayed.

afrus.app gives you different reports depending on the information you want to see.

In the transactions section you will find the report of your received, failed and pending donations, you will also see the detailed information of each transaction, such as payment gateway, bank, type of payment method, status among others.

In the Subscriptions section you will find the report of the subscriptions created, subscription amount, status of charges, subscribed campaign, partner information and subscription details.

In the people section , you will see the contact information, origin of the source, history of transactions and specific subscriptions per person, history of actions among others.

In the campaigns section , when selecting the campaign you can export the general report, which will show you all the information on leads, unique and recurring donations that that campaign had:

In the reports module , you can create your snapshots, where you can have a general count of all leads, recurring donors and unique donations, as well as how many communications have been sent and the score of your donors or leads.

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