Design your Donation Certificates

Donation certificate module

Written By Paula Torres (Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The donation certificates module will allow you to send donation certificates to your donors and partners, for each contribution they make to your organization, with the corresponding data of the donor, campaign and value of the contribution.

To configure your Donation Certificates follow the steps below:

1. In the left menu of your Afrus account, you will be able to view the CERTIFICATES Module.

  • Clicking on it will display the subsections History, Events, Certificate, Post Office, Manual Issuance.

2. HISTORY: In History you will find the general list of the certificates sent and their respective metrics, based on the time filter that is segmented

2.1 The SENT Metric will show the total number of Certificates sent, in the time that it has been segmented.

2.2 The READ Metric will show the total number of Certificates Read with respect to the number of certificates sent, in the time that it has been segmented.

2.3 The CLICKS Metric will show the total number of CLICKs made on the certificate, sent, if it has a Call to Action, a button, link ... it will be possible to know how many people accessed the certificate.

2.4 The SOFT BOUNCES Metric will show the total number of BOUNCES, that is, certificates that were NOT delivered successfully, for reasons such as:

  • Inbox full
  • mail storage on top
  • The recipient's email server is down or offline.
  • The domain name is wrong or misspelled.

2.5 The HARD BOUNCES Metric will show the total number of BOUNCES, that is, certificates that were NOT delivered successfully, for reasons such as:

  • the email address is not valid
  • Email address does not exist
  • The email address is blocked or the user has blocked you.

2.6 The OPT OUT Metric will show the total number of people who have unsubscribed. This means that the recipient has chosen to withdraw from the contact list and no longer wishes to receive correspondence from the Organization.

2.7 In this list you will see the people to whom the donation certificate was sent. In this panel you will find data such as:

  • User ID in AFRUS
  • Donor email and name
  • Certificate issuance date
  • Number of certificates sent


They are all actions regarding the certificates sent in a segmented time filter.
Anything that happens after the certificate is sent is considered an action, such as a change in the status of the certificate, clicks made after it has been delivered, or actions such as soft bounces or hard bounces.

3.1 In the SENT event, you will see the number of certificates sent in the filtered date period.

3.2 In the READ event, you will be able to know how many certificates were read from the certificates sent.

3.3 In the CLICKS event, you will be able to know how many clicks were made on the certificate, this item applies when the certificate has a button or Call To Action (call to action)

3.4 SOFT BOUNCES event: Once the certificate is sent, a soft bounce action can be generated, this means that if any of the following reasons is met, this event can be activated.

  • Inbox full
  • Mail storage on top
  • The recipient's email server is down or offline.
  • The domain name is wrong or misspelled.

3.5 HARD BOUNCES event: Once the certificate is sent, a Hard bounces action can be generated, this means that if any of the following reasons is met, this event can be activated.

  • Email address does not exist
  • The email address is not invalid
  • The email address is blocked, or in your case you have been blocked.

3.6 OPT OUT event: It is the metric that shows the number of people who decided to unsubscribe from the database or email subscription, once the certificate has been sent and received by the sender.


Here you will find the list of the templates of the certificates used, which you can edit. You will also see the gallery of certificates available for you to use or you can also create designs from scratch.

4.1 Click on NEW CERTIFICATE, to create a certificate template.

4.2 Fill in the data in the corresponding fields to create your new template.

4.3 Once you have the fields filled in, you can continue editing the design.

4.4 Click EDIT DESIGN to continue building the platform.

4.5 Each time you select one of these options you can drag them to the template sheet.

4.6 To select any type of column, you will only have to drag the icon and then, in the right panel, you will define the type of column, background color and padding, the latter is the space between the element's content and its border.

4.7 To build your certificate, click on the X and return to the initial panel to continue dragging the elements you want for your design:

4.8 When creating your certificate, you must customize the data of each donor, for this use the MERGE TAG that will show you the tags that will bring you the corresponding data:

4.9 You can download a proof of the certificate by clicking DOWNLOAD TEST:

4.10 To save, click on the Floppy icon:


Here you will find the list of emails you have sent.

Mail is understood as the body of the mail that accompanies the attached file, which in this case is the Donation Certificate.

5.1 In this first screen you will see, data of the emails sent, Name of the email, campaign to which it belongs, corresponding form, Language, Event (which is Donation Certificate) results (opening and sending metrics) and finally the status of the certificate.

5.2 The 3 right side points, you have access to view the details of the mail, edit the mail or delete the mail:

5.3 DETAILS option, In this segment you will see a dashboard screen of general metrics of the behavior of the mail that is being displayed.

5.3.1 In this part of DETAILS you will see the list of emails sent in the selected filtering segment. The Items that you will see are:

  • Sender
  • Sent date
  • Result of shipment.

5.4 EDITING segment, Here you can edit the basic data such as emails, sender, subject, campaigns among others.

And also edit advanced data such as sender email name, reply email and copy emails.

5.5 Likewise, you can send proofs of delivery or edit the design of the mail, by clicking on the pencil located in the lower right:

5.6 When you click the pencil, the text editor will open and then the design editor, in this you will only edit the template data, to save the changes, click save:

5.7 If you want to edit the design, click on the pencil and you will enter the template editor. Remember that this editor works by dragging the elements to the center, as mentioned from point 4.5 to point 4.10.


There are two types of shipping, Manual or Automatic.

6.1 MANUAL ISSUE. This option will allow you to send individual certificates.

For this you must go to the Transactions section, look for the Donor and click on the donor to open the transaction details.

6.2 Then, in the details of the transaction, you will be able to see a field called CERTIFICATE, to which a blue button corresponds and its text will say: FORWARD.

6.3 CLICK on the blue button to issue the first time or resend the donation certificate if you have already sent in advance and a resend must be made.

- Issue for the first time:

- Issue more than once: 

6.4 Then, this window will open, where you must select the name of the certificate to be issued.

6.7 Finally, click SEND so that the certificate is issued successfully.


Once you create the certificate and configure the corresponding campaign and form, the data, and define the design, it will be immediately active so that it can be sent automatically once the transaction is successful.

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