How do I configure the UNSUBSCRIBE for my newsletters?

Unsubscribe to newsletter

Written By Paula Torres (Administrator)

Updated at October 21st, 2021

afrus allows you to activate the button / option to unsubscribe or unsubscribe to your communications via email.

That is, if any of your donors or leads want to unsubscribe from your newsletter, they can do so by pressing a button.

Activate the very easy one, remember that this option can be found in your automation module (newsletter / sequences)
The way to activate the Unsuscribe works as follows:

1. Within the construction of the newsletter, that is, in the editor, you are going to locate the space where you want to put the unsubscribe:

2. Then, in the text toolbar, you will click on MERGE TAG and then select the tag called UNSUBSCRIBE_URL , clicking on it will bring up the tag in the text space:

3. You can use the Unsuscribe as a link, so that they access it by clicking on a word.

In this case we will do it with the word HERE. So, select the word and then select the option to add link:

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 09.11.55 a. m..png

4. Then, a small screen will open, where you must put the UNSUBSCRIBE tag in the URL space, so that when they click on the word HERE, they will reach the Unsubscribe page:

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 12.11.13 a. m..png

5. Finally, click on Save and the UNSUSBCRIBE link is anchored within the word. Here, you can verify it by seeing that the word turns blue:

Screenshot 2021-10-06 at 11.13.33 a. m..png


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